How Casinos Can Reach Millennials The casino industry has gone through a drastic change in the last few years. The baby boomers have been the target audience of casinos for a long time, with flashy slot machines and Vegas style shows. Then the attention turned to gen x, things got a little flashier and casinos changed slightly to cater to the new audience. Currently, everything is changing again now that millennials have their own money to burn. With an average household income of $60,000 and $1.68 trillion in purchasing power, casinos need to figure out how to get to these up and comers. When you pair that with the fact that nearly four in 10 millennials (39%) say they interact more with their smartphones than they do with their significant others, parents, friends, children or co-workers, the answer to attracting millennials may lie in the palm of their hands. Social casinos are a way to draw millennials into your brand right from the device they are already using all the time. Having an app that is a close copy of your casino floor, with all of the games that people are used to playing in the casino, will entice people to your brand. This strategy can show this new audience that you are a casino brand that understands them. So, what do millennials want that you can show them through this new channel? Authenticity, experiences, and fun. By having a social casino app, you are showing that you want to connect with millennials. You are showing your authenticity by putting forth the effort to speak to them in a way they can relate to. Not direct mail, not a billboard, something tangible that shows up where millennials are already focused. Experiences. Millennials all want experiences, new experience, real experiences, all kinds of experiences. Without ever having to step foot in the city where your casino is located, you can introduce your casino’s brand to an audience and show them how amazing the experience really is and will be, at your casino. Lastly, fun. When it comes down to it, millennials, like all of the generations before them, just want to have a good time. Show them how fun your casino is with cool slot machines, poker, blackjack and more. Promote upcoming shows, tie your app into your themed nights and help them understand what your casino is all about. Give them a clear picture of the awesome time they will have when they visit your casino in person. When you show millennials all of these things, you have the ability to build loyal customers and casino patrons. Partner with a social casino app developer who has experience showcasing your brand, your games, and your unique value offering. That will be the only way to speak to millennials in a way they will connect with, appreciate, and find authentic. If you want to learn more about how to reach millennials with your casino brand, contact the experts at Ruby Seven Studios. We have successfully built, maintained and marketed social casino apps that continue to boost revenues for our casino partners.